Sound Compass Project
Jan 1st, 2024
A web app implementing my previous project "Finding New Spotify Recommendations Using Spotify API". In Next.js, allowing users to test its functionalities on the web.
Skill: Java Script, Spotify API, Next.js, Vercel, AWS S3.
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Finding New Spotify Recommendations Using Spotify API
October 14, 2023
The Spotify Hyper & Opposite Playlist Generator enhances digital music experiences by offering two distinct playlist types: "Hyper-Focused" playlists, tailored to users' existing tastes, and "Opposite Playlists," introducing new genres and tracks. By analyzing Spotify's user data and song metrics, it crafts personalized playlists. With its user-friendly design and efficient caching system, it provides Spotify users a seamless journey into familiar and new musical terrains.
Skill: Python, Spotify API, Pandas, Numpy, requests.
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Classification of Music Genres: A capstone project
May 10, 2023
In this project, we tackled a multi-class classification problem of music genre prediction based on audio features. A range of machine learning models were tested, including logistic regression, random forest, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, and XGBoost, on a dataset that was processed with various dimensionality reduction techniques. XGBoost yielded the highest AUC-ROC score but did not reach satisfactory accuracy. This led us to further refine our XGBoost model with hyperparameters and incorporate it with a One-vs-Rest strategy and Stratified K-Fold cross-validation. Despite our best efforts, we encountered limitations in achieving satisfactory accuracy. In the future, alternative preprocessing steps, model tuning, or different modeling techniques may need to be explored to improve performance.
Skill: Python, Sklearn, Pytorch, Data Science.
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MatchingNeeds Project
April 20, 2023
A Streamlit app designed to connect college students, helping each other with classes they've previously taken and are currently enrolled in. Students input their current and past classes, and the app matches them with peers in opposite situations, fostering collaboration and support.
Skill: Software Development, Python, SQL, Streamlit ,Database Management.
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Generating Sounds Samples
Dec 12, 2022
A project for the deep learning class at NYU. Developed together with Leo Dupire. Currently adapting Condional GANs, used for image generation to generate spectogram representaions of audio samples.
Tools/Skill: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Audio Signal Processing, Tensorflow, Pytorch.
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MentorMe - MERN Stack Web Application Group Project
May 5, 2022
Responsible for front-end, back-end and database development of the project. Developed app maps, wireframes, and prototypes during project design phase. Applying Agile methodologies such as Scrum through the duration of the group project.
Tools/Skills: Prototyping using Figma, Fullstack development using React.js,Express.js and MongoDB, Git, Scrum.
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